Having a single office location, Dr. Livingston maintains a flexible schedule, which means that he is able to see eye emergencies on the same day if not immediately. New patients sent to our office should come directly to our office without eating or drinking anything so that they can avoid any delay if procedures are necessary.
If there are any urgent after-hours cases, they can be seen at 9:00 am the following morning. After-hours emergencies are handled on a case-by-case basis when you contact Dr. Livingston through our call center. He is always available by phone to answer questions with regard to your patients. Every attempt is made to accommodate your concerns. All new patient referrals will always generate a short letter with a copy of the visit note(s) to the referring physician.
Dr. Livingston has been a practicing retina specialist since 1999. We see a lot of seasonal patients with various eye diseases and other retinal problems.
We strive to work with out-of-state clinics, Canadian, British, and other referring physicians to guarantee seamless continuity of care. Preference is given to maintaining and using existing treatment strategies to facilitate reintegration when the patient returns to your practice. We make sure that our patient always gets a hard copy of the treatment notes to show you when they return.
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